Cydia Sources

How to Download xSellize from Cydia


If you know how to kill a mosquito by hand, it is very easy for you to learn how to download xSellize from Cydia. The step by step guide provided in this article comes with detail explanation and images for you to understand the process. Beginners may take more than 10 minutes to download xSellize but it takes less than 5 minutes for those who have get used to Cydia. Once you have installed xSellize to your iPhone or iPad, unlimited apps and games will be waiting for you.

Steps to Download xSellize from Cydia

Step 1: First of everything, it is crucial to understand that xSellize only works on a jailbroken iDevice. So, you have to jailbreak your device and install Cydia to it in order to proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Open Cydia and go to Manage. As usual, you will see three standard icons under the Manage page which are Packages, Sources, and Storage. As you are going to add in xSellize source, tap on the Sources as shown in the image below. Now tap on Add and that’s where you need to put in xSellize source which is Please understand that xSellize source and xSellize repo are the same thing, it just a different name.

xSellize source
xSellize Source

Step 3: Continue to install xSellize by tapping the Add Source button and then Add Anyway. You don’t have to do anything because everything is automatic and just tap on the Return to Cydia button once the installation of xSellize source is completed. Now you can use xSellize to download some paid apps for free. Remember, it is highly recommended to buy the apps as a respect to the developers who have spent a lot of time and effort to develop an awesome app.


Besides xSellize, see what are the good Cydia sources for iPhone 4.

xSellize Apps

Now you have got xSellize in your iOS device, what are the best apps available in xSellize? As mentioned before in top 10 Cydia sources, one of the biggest attractions of xSellize is the ability to allow you to play emulated games in your iOS device. Famous emulator back in the 80s can be downloaded through xSellize. Game Boy, Nintendo 64, and NES are just a few to be mentioned. You can then download any games you want by downloading the ROM file to play through the emulator. Back in the 80s and 90s, these games cost a lot to buy but now they are all free. Other than games, xSellize is also hosting a few famous apps and tweaks. You are welcome to join xSellize forum if you would like to gain more knowledge about it. The forum is free to use!
