Cydia Sources

Cydia Repos for Cracked Apps


The ability to install cracked apps is often the main reason Apple users jailbreak their iOS device. From iOS 7 to iOS 8, there are more and more jailbreak users from around the world. Without doubt, there are a lot of cracked apps, cracked games and game hacks available in Cydia but not all Cydia repos are hosting these free apps and games. In order to access cracked apps and games, you need to add the right Cydia repos or Cydia sources that give you the apps you want for free. Check out the list of best Cydia repos for cracked apps here and you will be amazed what these Cydia repos can actually do.

Cydia repos for cracked apps

1. LinkStore

On and off, LinkStore is one of the best Cydia repos for cracked apps and some other Cydia tweaks and mods. LinkStore is a free app and it basically skip the payment page in App Store. Once you installed LinkStore to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you can access many paid apps for free directly from the App Store. For something similar to LinkStore, you may try AppShape, iAPFree, HipStore, and Kuaiyong.

LinkStore Cydia Repo:

2. AppVV

AppVV didn’t host a lot of free cracked apps but it hosts a very powerful app called vShare. vShare is an app that will lead you to download any paid apps you want for free. It has proven to work on the latest iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPad Air 2, iPad mini and some earlier iPhone models such as the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S and iPhone 4.

AppVV Cydia Repo:

3. BiteYourApple

So far, BiteYourApple is highly recommended as one of the best Cydia repos for cracked apps. This is because this repo covers a lot of apps from A to Z, from iOS 7.1.2 to iOS 8.3 to iOS 8.4. iOS 8 users who are using the latest iPad can add BiteYourApple repo for Movie Box App, BYA Cloud for iPad Mini, SpotiUM iOS 8.4, iFile iOS 8.4, LocaliAPStore iOS 8.4 and more.

BiteYourApple Cydia Repo:

4. iPhoneCake

iPhoneCake repo (or sometimes iPhone Cake repo) is also known as AppCake repo because this repo is hosting a very popular app called AppCake. AppCake basically provides you apps and games for free. Game lovers who want to play games from the 1990s can add iPhoneCake repo and install Gameboy games to your iPhone.

iPhoneCake Cydia Repo:

5. AppAddict

AppAddict is not a Cydia repo that gives you cracked apps. However, it is a must to add AppAddict repo to your Cydia because you need this repo to download AppSync. A jailbreak app couldn’t work without AppSync (see AppSync iOS 7) because AppSync signs all the cracked apps. Make sure you download the correct AppSync version that is compatible with your iOS version. AppSync for iOS 7.0+ is for iOS 7.1.2 and AppSync for iOS 8.0+ is for iOS 8, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.2, iOS 8.3 and iOS 8.4.

AppAddict Cydia Repo:

6. iHackStore

The number of cracked apps available in iHackStore repo is one reason it deserves to be mentioned here. This Cydia repo has been providing free apps, themes, games, music and many other things to iOS users. Notable Cydia apps available in iHackStore repo are App Switcher, 3D Board, Stealth Cam, Pwn Mail, MyProfiles, iTether, GroupSMS, CameraWallpaper, ChatPic, Notifier+, FreeSync and more.

iHackStore Cydia Repo:

ihackstore repo

Other Great Cydia repos for cracked apps: HackYouriPhone, SiNfuliPhone, Insanelyi, FilippoBiga, iCauseFX, iModZone, Elpelle6, and ClubiFone.

Last but not least, please leave a comment here if you have any better Cydia repos or Cydia sources to be recommended here.

See also: Cydia Sources to Install Cracked apps and Top 10 Cydia Sources.
